"The money-saving benefits-insurance, card processing, etc.-are all great. But we appreciate especially being part of the larger retail community, with its shared experience and expertise. That kind of asset is hard to put a value on."
Mark Bouchett
Homeport, Burlington
Vermont Retail & Grocers Association
As the leading, unified voice for Vermont’s diverse retail industry, our association plays a critical role in enhancing our communities, shaping legislation, contributing to each member’s success, and improving our state’s economic vitality. Our membership is inclusive of a variety of business types and models including specialty retailers, country stores, supermarkets, cooperatives, sole-proprietors, and more.
Why Join?

"VRGA works hard every day for Stowe Mercantile and all Vermont Retailers. In Montpelier and In Washington, experienced, expert representation make VRGA an important presence in finding creative solutions to the tough challenges we face. It’s hard enough to stay in business, but being a member of VRGA makes the challenge easier."
Marc Sherman
Stowe Mercantile, Stowe

Ready to Become a Member?
Our 700+ membership is inclusive of a variety of business types and models. Choose type of member below to complete your application online.
Retail MemberFood Retail MemberAssociate Member Benefit Member